5-Bit Opto Encoder
5-Bit Opto Encoder.
High synchronism and technical reliability due to monolithic construction featuring on-chip photosensors.
Scanning with constant-light evaluation at a pitch of 600µm.
Photocurrent amplifiers with high cut-off frequency.
Adjustable illumination control with 40mA LED driver ensures constant receiver power over life.
Monitoring of safe operating range with alarm message (eg. EOL message on LED control error).
Selectable all-track bit inversion.
Integrated test aids.
Serial data output via extended SSI interface.
Adjustable phase of MSB track selects for sense of Gray code direction.
Supports chain circuits of multiple devices including synchronisation options.
Single 4 to 5.5V supply, low power consumption.
Extended operating temperature range of -40 to 125°C.
Parallel 5 bit data output as Gray or binary code.
Manufacturer: iCHaus GmbH
Product Description
Scanning with constant-light evaluation for optical encoders
Low-res singleturn encoders
Multiturn encoders

Bare Die3.5mm x 1.68mm

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