µC Interface For 24V offers 2x4 low-side drivers
µC Interface For 24V offers 2×4 low-side drivers.
2×4 bidirectional input ⁄ output stages.
I⁄O mode programmable in nibbles.
100mAdc output current (500 mA peak).
Saturation voltage of 0.4V (1.5V ⁄ 500mA).
Integrated free-wheeling diodes with a common link to an external Zener diode.
Short-circuit protection.
Output voltage of up to 48V.
Flasher function for outputs.
Digital input filters, external time-setting.
Fast µP interface.
Interrupt generation on input data change.
Thermal shutdown, low voltage detection.
Manufacturer: iCHaus GmbH
Product Description
Dual quad low-side driver as a bidirectional µP interface with digital filtering for industrial 24V applications

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