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  • iC-TW8

    16-Bit Sin/Cos Interpolator with Auto-Calibration.


    Input frequency of up to 125kHz.
    Differential sine/cosine input signal range of 20mV to 1.4V peak-peak.
    Fractional interpolation factor edged per period of [8…65536] / [1…32].
    Automatic offset, amplitude and phase correction.
    Simple automatic one-pin calibration.<
    Easy configuration: by static pins (for generic ABZ output).
    Advanced configuration: 1-wire interface, 3 and 4-wire SPI (32MHz), EEPROM (SPI or I2C).
    Supply voltage range of 3.1V to 5.5V.
    PWM or ABZ quadrature encoder output signals.
    Incremental ABZ output to 8MHz (32MHz edge separation).
    Position and velocity read-out (32bit SPI).
    Sophisticated error handling and signal monitoring.
    Static 64 position LUT to compensate for arbitrary sensor distortions.
    Extended temperature range of -40 to +125 °C.


    Manufacturer: iCHaus GmbH