IO-Link Transceiver for IO-Link slaves.
IO-Link compliant slave transceiver.
Dual channel switches, configurable for high-side, low-side and push-pull operation with tristate function.
Configuration via pins or SPI interface.
Switches are current limited.
Switches, iC supply and feedback channel are protected against reverse polarity.
Output current of up to 150mA per channel.
Parallel connection of both channels possible.
The channels can be inverted for antivalent output.
Sensor communication request function (IO-Link wake-up).
Wide supply voltage range of 9 to 30V.
Sensor parametrisation via a feedback channel (up to 30V).
Switching converters and linear regulators for 3.3 ⁄ 5V voltage generation.
Error detection with hysteresis with excess temperature, overload and undervoltage.
Driver shut-down on all errors.
Error signalling at two open-collector outputs.
Manufacturer: iCHaus GmbH