2-Channel Light-Grid Pulse Receiver for safety light curtains
2-Channel Light-Grid Pulse Receiver for safety light curtains.
Dual photo diode inputs with photoelectric amplifier.
Built-in bandpass filter with 300 kHz center frequency.
Differential current-signal output with open drain low-side drivers.
Nonlinear transfer function results in wide dynamic range of 100nA to 1.5mA for pulsed photocurrents.
Fast flash recovery time of max. 30µs.
Recovery time below 10µs for excessive photocurrents of up to 1.8 mA.
Shift register and control logic.
Compatible to CMOS levels.
Single 5 V supply.
Low standby current; circuit activation by input data.
Power-down reset.
ESD protection.
FMEA driven circuit and layout topology .
Suited for high-risk applications according to IEC 61496-1.
Option: extended temperature range of -25 to 85°C.
Manufacturer: iCHaus GmbH
Product Description
Light curtains
Light barriers
Electro-sensitive protective equipment (ESPE)
Additional Information
Type |
Safety Light Curtain – Receiver
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