Sin/Cos Signal Conditioner with AGC and 1Vpp Driver
Sin/Cos Signal Conditioner with AGC and 1Vpp Driver.
Differential or single-ended inputs for up to 20kHz.
Selectable adaptation to voltage or current signals.
Input multiplexers for flexible signal-to-channel assignment.
Programmable instrumentation amplifiers.
Signal conditioning for offset, amplitude and phase.
Automatic gain control with monitoring.
Short-circuit-proof analog output drivers (1Vpp to 100Ω).
Immune against faulty output or supply connections.
Reverse polarity protection of the sub-system by power switch.
Adjustable thermal overload protection.
Monitoring functions with configurable error masking.
Alarm indication output.
Device setup from serial EEPROM (shared with iC-MSB).
Footprint compatible to iC-MSB.
Single 5V operation, from -40°C to +115°C.
Manufacturer: iCHaus GmbH