Energy-Harvesting Multiturn Counter/Encoder
Energy-Harvesting Multiturn Counter/Encoder.
Gearless and batteryless revolution counter.
Energy harvesting from Wiegand pulses (Devices and processes for Energy).
Integrated hall switch for direction detection.
Evaluation of PT1000 sensor output for high accurate gas meter applications.
SPI interface to external non-volatile RAM.
Independent SPI interface to microcontroller (configuration and data exchange).
4 low noise hall sensors with differential analogue output.
Electrical Wiegand Wire excitation for synchronisation with single turn.
Runt pulse tolerant counting algorithm.
Harvesting by Wiegand Wire within position encoders are protected by several worldwide patents (such as WO 2004/046735 A1) and require licensing by the inventors and applicants.
Manufacturer: iCHaus GmbH
Product Description
Multi-turn encoder
Absolute end-of-shaft encoder
Absolute hollow shaft encoder
Absolute linear encoder
Period counter
Gas meter
Liquid flow meter
Encapsulated flow meter
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