Lensless, reflective opto-encoder iCs, compact, high-resolution, incremental.
Suitable reflective code discs of ∅26mm and ∅32mm.
Monolithic HD Phased Array with excellent signal matching.
Integrated blue LED, EncoderBlue®.
LED power control with 20mA driver.
Low-noise signal amplifiers with high EMI tolerance.
Pin-selectable modes of operation:
Digital A/B (x1, x2, x4, x8, x16 interpolated).
Short-circuit-proof, current-limited, +/-4mA push-pull outputs.
Operating temperature range of -40°C to +105°C.
Low power consumption from single 4.5V to 5.5V supply.
Compact and lensless optoDFN mold package.
Evaluation kits on request.
Manufacturer: iCHaus GmbH